Saturday, June 11, 2016

A former employee of NASA published a picture of a secret alien base on the moon !

Бывший сотрудник NASA опубликовал засекреченный снимок с базой инопланетян на ЛунеA former employee of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ken Johnson unveiled the secretive years photo, which shows the base of the aliens.

In the photo is clearly visible mission module "Apollo" above the surface of Earth's satellite, where you can see mysterious structures easily.

As the portal, such an image, taken by astronauts from the spacecraft during the separation module, was classified, together with many other photos, which show UFOs of various shapes and sizes.

This photo will be another proof of the theory that the Moon is the base of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations.

"It's cool opening on the surface of the Moon and other planets and moons in our solar system found many white artificial constructions It's great that this finding may be considered in detail..", - Commented on a photo the famous ufologist Scott C. Waring.

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