Sunday, February 26, 2017

US compensate damage to Russia "uranium deal."

Almost none of the Russian media did not pay attention to an event that occurred in August 2016 .. From the port of St. Petersburg on a journey across the Atlantic has gone merchant ship Atlantic Navigator. On board the ship - container with the Russian uranium.

 This was the last batch of uranium, which was sent to the United States on the basis of signed 20 years ago, the US-Russian agreement providing for the supply to the United States 500 metric tons of uranium, which Russia undertook to extract from its nuclear weapons and that America intended to be used as fuel for nuclear power plants .
About this uranium deal actively discussed in the 1990s, but today, the theme was "behind the scenes" discussions of the key issues of our lives. A younger generation simply nothing about it heard. Therefore, we must be reminded of its history.
Immediately, I note that this is no ordinary trade and economic transactions, beneficial for both sides. It is an act of the largest Russian robbery, not only in the latest of its history, but also in the entire history of the country. Russia lost the Cold War the West, primarily the United States. She lost to a great extent due to the treacherous policy of our leaders. These tops have continued to take the country in the 1990s. "Uranium deal" - the consent of our treacherous elite pay tribute to the winner in the form of weapons-grade uranium. The principal agreement on this was reached between the then Prime Minister VS Chernomyrdin and US Vice President Albert Gore, so this transaction is often referred to as the transaction Gore - Chernomyrdin. It is also called "the scam of the Millennium" by virtue of an unprecedented scale. In fact, it was the West's operation, which solves several strategic goals:
a) unilateral nuclear disarmament by depriving Russia of its stocks of weapons-grade uranium, as well as the preparation of conditions for the US withdrawal from the ABM Treaty;
b) applying enormous economic damage to Russia (the accumulated stock of weapons-grade plutonium is an essential part of the national wealth of Russia at the time);
c) deprivation of the huge Russian energy sources in the future after the intended introduction of new technology thorium nuclear power.
The scale of Russia robbery
"Scam Millennium" deal dubbed because, first, it had a huge scale, and secondly, was concluded fraudulently. Many Russian and American media tried to present it as a mediocre commercial agreement. The total purchase price for the supply of 500 tonnes of uranium was set at 11.9 billion dollars. Meanwhile, the value of the specified amount of highly enriched uranium is incomparably higher. To produce this amount of weapons-grade uranium, mining and defense industries of the country have worked for about 40 years, several hundred thousand people. Manufacturing dangerous, tens of thousands of people lost their health and ability to work, shortened his life. These were enormous sacrifices in order to forge a nuclear shield of the country and ensure a calm peaceful life of the USSR and the socialist countries. This uranium provides military-strategic parity in the world, which dramatically reduced the risk of a world war.

 On the other hand, in the US media, there are such assessments: by Russian uranium at the beginning of this century in the US nuclear power plants produce 50% of electricity. Every tenth kilowatt hour of electricity in the entire US economy was ensured at the expense of enriched uranium from Russia. According to the estimates, which were made by experts at the end of the last century, the real value of 500 tonnes of weapons-grade plutonium was at the time of not less than $ 8 trillion. For comparison, the annual average of the annual GDP in Russia, according to Rosstat, in the last decade of the last century there were in the region of $ 400 billion. It turns out that the actual price of the uranium deal was only 0.15% in relation to the minimum real value of the goods. The real price of uranium was equivalent to 20 (twenty) annual GDP!
There have been many wars in the history of mankind. After they defeated often pay reparations and indemnities winners. Recall, for example, the Franco-Prussian War in 1871. "Iron Chancellor" Bismarck defeated France appointed a contribution of about 13% of GDP (5 billion francs). Probably, the biggest in recent history indemnity paid defeated in World War Germany. Media reported that Germany just three years ago, has been paying reparations for the Paris Peace Treaty of 1919. In Germany, reparations were imposed in the amount of 269 billion gold marks. The amount, of course, enormous: it is equivalent to about 100 000 tons of gold. At present the price of the yellow metal would be about $ 4 trillion. in the field of economic history Experts say that to Germany in Paris reparation is about twice the GDP of the then Germany. Among other things, the payment of reparations by Germany stretched for 90 years (with interruptions, carried out for about 70 years in the pure form of payment); the payment of the "uranium reparations" Russia kept within 20 years, with most of the uranium was produced in the US in the 1990s.

Firstly, there are suspicions that a number of persons involved in that transaction, remain in the "cage" active politicians and government officials. There is no guarantee that they will not continue to work in the US and Western interests.
Secondly, we need to correct and honest understanding of our recent history. Without truthful disclosure of details "uranium deal" and its political, military, moral evaluation is no guarantee that we are again stepping on rakes like. Analysis of the real aims of the US side of the transaction clearly highlights the true aims and interests of those whom we, unfortunately, by inertia continue to call "partners".
Thirdly, we need informed and detailed assessment of the economic damage which has been inflicted deal Russia and its people.
Any attempt to take the path of Russian economic recovery West will put a spoke in the wheel of our current reform, socio-economic transformation. We must be prepared for the fact that the West will increasingly expose us to a different kind of "bills" - for example, if we try to carry out deoffshore our economy. After US courts, the United Kingdom, other European countries inevitably begin disassembling from the owners of offshore companies and / or their representatives with far-fetched claims for "damages". Approximately the same reaction can be expected in case Russia decides to withdraw from the WTO, the limitation of foreign investment or even restriction of repatriated profits of foreign investors from Russia. We must be prepared for the fact that it may be necessary counterclaim "accounts" our Western "partners". The largest of all possible counter "accounts" - our requirements to the US giant to compensate damage to Russia "uranium deal."
VY Katasonov

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