natural disaster that occurred 27 thousand years ago in the world, not
only destroyed the then existing civilization, but also marked the
beginning of a new historical era of mankind. Surviving the Cataclysm, in the next 15 thousand years, are mixed
together, creating a new and sometimes bizarre cultures, nations and
eventually formed what in esoteric chronicles now called the violet
race.Just before the accident, our planet was divided between five major civilizations. As
they are called today to say difficult, as the Russian Tsar, Ivan the
Terrible, was captured wizard library (which is now known as "the
library of Ivan the Terrible"), in which all historical records in full.
But by combining the remaining in our hands disparate sources, we wizarsd were able to partially reconstruct the history of mankind and
its gradual recovery, replacing the name to disaster civilizations
flowers.So, our land was divided between at the time of the disaster:
1 - Blue civilization.
it is located in Antarctica, which prevailed before the disaster, a
temperate climate, similar to the modern climate of Russia, as well as
on the islands of the South Pacific. This civilization has succeeded in the exact sciences. They were committed to scientific and technical progress. It is this civilization, modern esotericism called Lemuria. They call themselves Dalamatia. Lemurian-Dalamatia at the time of the disaster left in space, had a well-developed aviation and navy. They are known to actively experimented with time. In medicine, they went in the direction of replacing damaged human organs mechanical prostheses. Actively engaged in cloning, not only of living organisms, but also human. Among them, there was no clear separation of men and women. Their culture has been developed that in the modern world we call transgender. In their culture it is completely missing the concept of motherhood and family. They lived in large cities by groups of 7-9 people. Religion
they differed in that it was required to serve at the same time man and
God and the Devil (sorry for such a simplification). Their descendants became the historical Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians. In the modern world, their historical descendants - the Jews and the Arabs. Over
the past 20 years of their cultural heritage has been actively
implemented in real life in the European Union and the United States.
2 - Yellow civilization.
Initially, on the ground, which in our time are on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. 50,000 years ago, "yellow civilization" replaced "Red" from the territory of South-East Asia and took their land. "The
yellow civilization" was different from the rest of the strict doctrine
of harmonization of time and space, as well as the unity of nature and
of "good luck" as a reward for the "right" life. In
modern parlance, the representatives of "the yellow race" were absolute
atheists, for they did not exist the concepts of "Good" and "Evil" in
principle, they do not believe in an afterlife, for which there was no
"angels, demons, gods, afterlife, etc. .d ". In everyday life they were completely impersonal. They
did not exist the concept of private life and private property, the
foundation of their lives was built in absolute collectivism. The attitude to life was extremely rational and technocratic. The level of their technological development inferior to the Lemurians, but higher than the state of modern civilization. In space they go out, as opposed to the Lemurians did not have time. Their historical descendants are now all members of the Mongoloid race. In the long ideological views as "yellow" remained within the teachings of Feng Shui.
3 - Black civilization.
it is located in the south of the Indian subcontinent, Ceylon,
Madagascar, southern Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands. Unlike previous "black civilization" has developed in the framework of humanitarian and non-technical sciences. They are perfectly mastered the human psyche, his health, control and development of the mind. They have developed numerous tantric and magical practices, methods of communication with the verses and the other world. From
the other "black" differed extreme individualism, the cult of force
(more Who is right and can do whatever he wants without any moral or
social constraints) and massive domestic cannibalism. Historic descendants of "black", at the moment, are all blacks, inhabitants of South India and the Aborigines of Australia.
4 - Red civilization.
It was her ancient Greeks called Atlantis. Geographically, it has spread throughout North and South America, North Africa and Western Europe. Atlanta (we call them so) achieved incredible success in biochemistry, genetics and medicine. And the basis of their medicine was not mechanical, like a Lemurian, and biological. The basis of religious beliefs and practices of the Atlanteans was monotheism and fire-worship. The basis of social life, as well as in the "black" was the force principle. Historic descendants in the modern world are North American Indians and inhabitants of ancient Egypt.
5 - White civilization.
Arctida. Geographically,
it was located on land that once housed in the territory of the Arctic
Ocean (Arctis are remnants of the island of Spitsbergen, Novaya Zemlya,
north of Norway, north of the Murmansk region, Taimyr Peninsula). Before
the crash, and the displacement of the poles, these areas were very
comfortable place to stay that provided a "White" the highest standard
of living and well-being of the planet. The
basis for the life of the Arctic was a matriarchy, as well as religious
and mystical concept of the duality of the universe and the law,
balancing his pole. The
level of technical and scientific progress of the Arctic, as well as in
the whole time on the planet, was higher than at present, although in a
space as Lemurians, they also did not have time to get out. Historic heirs of "white civilization" are all the nations of the Indo-European group in the world today.
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