Monday, January 11, 2016

As the Chinese are stealing gas

Как китайцы воруют газWhen I first saw this photo, I thought about the world record, or about the creation of giant balloons, but it was much more prosaic.
Nowadays all around talking about China's inevitable domination of the world, of the power of this great state. Wherever you look - everywhere Chinese goods, from buttons to the excavator. And I could not help thinking that such a ubiquitous country certainly should not have problems with poverty. Certainly not! In fact, dirt and poverty dominate the Chinese provinces, not struck us tourists, charmed strange traditions.
Of course, the upper strata of society live happily ever after, well, what about the rest? How to live an ordinary Chinese? And so they have to
cheat  and adapt to being and insignificant existence, overcoming one of the most important human needs - self-preservation.

 Как китайцы воруют газ 
And so the people of Binz Show (Binzhou) in Shandong Province (Shandong) came up with a trick, in order to ensure their homes with fire: borrow free of gas pipes nearby highway, filling it in plastic bags length of about five meters. One can imagine the above average Chinese woman with such a burden. Although gas and light, carry it home very uncomfortable, so they transported it in various ways. And how to keep it at home? I imagine this plastic edifice in our kitchens khrushchev ...

Как китайцы воруют газКак китайцы воруют газMoreover, the use of natural gas in such circumstances in everyday life extremely dangerous. Some residents suffered burns of varying degrees, trying to adapt the system to their plates and burners. But the gas tends to explode, and the bag material is a precarious, and even the tiny gap in the packaging may cause irreversible consequences. Poor people can not even connect to the pipeline when to us the existence of this service seems quite natural. And the one to blame lack of money, and the state, which offers a job for a penny, without regard to the deplorable state of his people.

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