Saturday, December 26, 2015

Lived in Russia eunuchs, cut off the ends.

Eunuchs Yakutia. The beginning of XX century.
The history of this cruel and unusual religious sects and to this day stirs minds. Eunuchs - men voluntarily mutilated themselves. The history of the sect - a century of existence, and a lot of questions, one of which - "In the name of what?". So who are they, eunuchs Russia?
"King of kings"
The movement was born eunuchs in the middle of the XVIII century in the Oryol province, where at that time was the center of cult whips, headed by self-styled "Virgin" Akulina Ivanovna. Once the sect nailed farmer Kondraty Selivanov, who first portrayed the silent and then suddenly spoke. Akulina I. Selivanov hurried to proclaim "king of kings" and made him the second man in the community. Morals have whips were quite free, and once Selivanov opposed svalny sin and proposed a radical way to get rid of sinful inclinations - "hot iron anneal their childbearing Udy." Selivanov had self-castration, but understanding among the whips are not met and left the community.

 Selivanov has made a self-castration.Crush the serpentSoon Selivanov founded his own community in the Tambov province, and found a lot of followers, wanted by his example "crush spiritually pernicious serpent" by castration. Perhaps the secret of the success of the new doctrine is the desire of some to become richer. Selivanov managed to win over a few rich peasants craving righteous life and the kingdom of heaven. And since castrato direct heirs can not be, in the community he established the order in which the good one the other inherits the eunuch eunuch. Thus, the cost of loss of manhood sectarian join the club of rich heirs and could over the years to become rich.Soon, the members of the sect were already a lot of wealthy people.Unnecessary partsInitially, castration was performed with hot knife or an ax, but soon enough this practice ceased to exist. From it remained only a tradition of burning bodies amputated.Men castration resistant divided into two types. The first and most common was reduced, on the wording of the medical examiner, to "cut off the testicles." The second - a complete emasculation. After surgery eunuchs was inserted into the urethral opening special tin or lead plugs obstruction, they said, "spontaneous expiration of urine."With regard to the emasculation of the female, it meant more surgery, "diversity", "cutting, etching or burning nipples", "withdrawal (amputation) of one or both breasts," "Cut the small lips" or "cutting the labia majora with small ..."The most common type of female castration was amputation of both breasts.

 Tools for castration.
Under the Court
The first "eunuchs process" took place in 1772. Before the Court 246. In the list of accused of heresy they were mostly farmers, but farmers are not poor. For example, a eunuch Yakovlev had two huts, 10 horses, seven cows, 15 sheep and five pigs. His coreligionist Zapolskiy had three huts, nine horses, five cows, 10 sheep, five pigs, too. And there are the rich among the defendants were dozens. Selivanov himself then fled, but was caught in 1774, was carved and sent to Nerchinsk. Before, he did not reach Nerchinsk and lived the next 20 years Irkutsk, but his case was not forgotten. Eunuchs was outlawed, but the number of his followers continued to grow.
Emperor Peter III
Gradually Skopchestvo overgrown own mythology. Cultists believe that languishing in Siberia Selivanov is none other than a miracle escaped the Emperor Peter III.
Tells crazy stories that Peter III castrated even in his native Holstein and his wife Catherine took a dislike for that spouse and overthrew. According to another version, Catherine also believed in eunuchs business and left to wander, leaving behind maid of honor, who castrated and overthrew the king. No matter how absurd or had faith eunuchs, their business acumen remained strong.

 In the madhouse
And in 1796 there was hope among eunuchs for execution cherished dreams. With the accession of Paul I's attitude to those who have been persecuted by Catherine II, has changed dramatically, and Kondraty Selivanov managed to leave Siberia. Supreme eunuch appeared in Moscow and soon was summoned to the emperor himself.
- Are you my father? - Paul had allegedly asked the latter-day Peter III.
- I am not the father of Sin - said Selivanov. - Take my case, and I accept you as my son.
However, the Emperor did not want to castrate and sent to an insane asylum bugger.
"Golden age"
Still eunuchs waited in the wings. Alexander I, who belonged to the father acts as bad as Paul I refers to acts of his mother, Selivanov released from the hospital and take in the poorhouse, gave bail to the former Lord Chamberlain Alexey Elyanskomu Polish king, who himself soon took Skopchestvo. Since then, and began the "golden age" castrated sect. Selivanov has established contacts with representatives of the highest Petersburg aristocracy, which at that time was fond of all sorts of mystical traditions, and even the blessed Alexander I at war with Napoleon. For this blessing bestowed on the emperor chief eunuch three rich coat.
Selivanov gained unprecedented privileges. Suffice it to say that none of the police had no right to cross the threshold of his house, where committed sectarian zeal and castration. Impunity was complete. With Selivanov communicated representatives Tatarinov general's circle, which consisted court aristocrats and that was very well received Prince Golitsyn, the then Minister of Education.

 Keeper common pot.
In the XIX century, one of the leaders of the Russian Skopchestvo was the first guild merchant Maxim Plotitsyn living in Morshansk (Tambov province). His house was like a monastery, which is home to six women with mastectomy. Since Tambov where Selivanov created his first community, was a sacred place for the eunuchs, many cultists bequeathed his wealth Plotitsynu. He was the keeper of eunuchs common pot. According to some reports, the merchant was about 30 million gold rubles. All this wealth Plotitsyn lost in 1869, fell to bribe an official. Plotitsyna imprisoned, many eunuchs were exiled to Siberia, and the money in the course of the investigation had been stolen by someone.
The last point
However, the final eunuchs lost their wealth only after 1917. It is well known that I have sisters Smirnov was expropriated 500 thousand rubles, a merchant Pavel Burtsev - 4 million, the brothers Nikiforov - 1 million. But with the beginning of the NEP, many of the ruined back in business. Finally skopcheskoe business was destroyed only in 1929 during a large trial of the sect, held in Leningrad. Eunuchs rural dispossessed, the city planted, and those who remained at large, began to languish.

 Castrated male and female.

"New Selivanov"

Yet history Skopchestvo and still leaves many alone. As a curious curiosity can bring such a case. It was described in 1983 by British doctors. It is a 37-year-old unemployed, "who was admitted to hospital because of blood loss following the attempted self-castration." The patient stated that "in its previous incarnation, he led a religious movement in Russia XVIII century, persecuted and so castrated himself red-hot poker."

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