Sunday, July 12, 2015

Predictions of the Third World War !

Предсказания Третьей Мировой войны 

 In May 2015 the famous American billionaire George Soros said the following: "If there is a clash between China and the US military ally, such as Japan, it is no exaggeration to say that we are on the verge of World War III."
Soon, similar judgments expressed Allied NATO forces in Bryunsume (Netherlands), Hans-Lothar Domrёze.
These statements coincide with the predictions of the western sense of the prophets made in the 1950-1970-ies and related 2016 and beyond.
And in divinations clairvoyants, as in the forecast Soros, Russia plays the role of "flanking ally China" invaded Europe. We mention these prophecies as a kind of paranormal artifact showing the inescapable fear of the West to the "unpredictable Russian bear."

                                         "Russian invade Germany "

 In 1992, when Russia does not like the current country, "risen from its knees", many German edition published an apocalyptic prophecy of soothsayer Alois Irlmayera. Auspex 1953, expressed clairvoyant neighbor girl, was later recorded them in his diary. In those days, the forecast Irlmayera aroused a flurry of German public ironic remarks because nothing in the forecast did not seem real.
"My girl, in my time you'll experience a lot of turmoil. First, our country will prosper as never until now. Then there will be a decline of faith in the Lord and the people wallow in evils, and we will rush the flow of refugees from the Balkans and Africa. Our money is worthless, will be high inflation. Shortly thereafter, in Germany start the revolution and civil war, and then at night in Europe suddenly invade Russian. "
By Irlmayeru in Europe it will use tactical nuclear weapons, which would sweep the ground Prague. Only after that the opposing sides - but they are understood as "Yellow Dragon paired with Red Bear" who oppose "Eagle of the Atlantic" - heed the voice of reason. Third World be stopped literally on its doorstep. Atomic apocalypse is not followed.
If in 1992 the prophecy Irlmayera not earned nationwide popularity, in 2015, when he was placed on the Internet, it has collected 200 thousand views in a couple of weeks.
Modern Germans began superstitious? No, rather, they are scared of the prophecy has come true about "flows of refugees." As well as the amazing parallels between the infernal visions Irlmayera and "strategic intelligence", which scare the inhabitants of the Old World, the North Atlantic Alliance.

                          "The three numbers, two eights and nines"

           Veronica Luken gained fame in the United States as one of the most beautiful of all peoples and Sibyl times. With regard to the accuracy of its prophecies, then check the judges it was not possible: the majority was done in the years 1976-1978 and attributed to the clairvoyant 2015-2020 th. Interestingly, predicting these years the third world, Veronica did not use the language of Aesop in the style of Nostradamus or the same Irlmayera.
"The three numbers, two eights and nines" - the only mysterious phrase Luken did not bother to explain. The rest of Veronica, in the life of an ordinary housewife, operated the main axis, the number and names of military groups, like an experienced general.
Surprisingly, and Luken like Irlmayeru, foresaw the destruction of Prague after use of tactical nuclear weapons. Again, Europe invaded "Russian troops". However, it is not preceded by a revolution in Germany, and the rebellion in the Vatican, the Pope's murder, the war in the Balkans. "In Belgrade enter Russian troops are moving to Italy, come in three columns to Germany towards the Rhine ..."
If you believe the Veronica, the events in Europe will provoke a conflict between Russia and the United States. This fortune teller predicts "an era of universal peace", but only after the nuclear apocalypse-tion: "People learn to live a spiritual life, refuse to conscio
usly intelligent machines will seek joy in working with the plow."
American Prophecies interesting for several reasons. First, America's future military conflict with Russia, she envisions living in "the era of detente." Secondly, for the first time Luken now uses a recognized term "climate weapon": its vision of Russia against the United States applies the signified, provoking dreadful earthquake.
Third, remember the following saying visionary: "The war will start when after a series of protracted conflicts all sides suddenly start talking about the world. When all will seem that the worst has been avoided. "

                                               Visions of an evangelist.

 We are particularly interested in foresight of those whose prophecies have come true. And preferably more than once. This is true for the native of the Congo, a member of the Norwegian "Movement of the Holy Trinity," the preacher Emmanuel Minos. So, in 1954, he predicted the beginning of Minos television broadcasting in Norway in 1968, and in 1937, a boy - thanks to the flowering of Norway reserves had not yet been explored for oil.
With regard to the third world, the Norwegian evangelist attributed its beginning in 2016. However, if, for example, Veronica Luken saw harbingers of a nuclear apocalypse "general conversations about the world" as well as "a bright comet in the sky that will seem unexpected for all astronomers," Minos thought that would be the sign of emergency disaster "aspiration of hundreds of thousands of impoverished black people fleeing from hunger and war in Europe. "
This prediction evangelist did in 1968, when there was not even a hint of today's mass emigration to the Old World from Africa.

                                                                 Soros - "time traveler"?

      Now back to the American billionaire Soros and his forecasts with respect to the third world war, made during a speech at a conference of the World Bank.
The most striking thing - that the predictions Soros voiced this spring, it was known ... six years ago. In 2009, the Internet appeared mysterious prophet, who claimed that he was a time traveler, and called himself Ardon Crepe.
Declaring that he appeared in our time to warn earthlings from harm, Crepe in 2009 predicted the armed conflict in the Ukraine in 2014, and then - word for word with Soros - revealed that "Chinese top that in the course of reforming the economy It needs to reassure his people, to save power, start a war by attacking Japan and South Korea, and thus triggering the beginning of the Third World. "
In addition, Crepe, like Soros in 2015, urged Washington "to make concessions to China, which will take Russia as an ally," and let the yuan included in the IMF's currency basket.
Match Crepe prophecy and prediction of Soros is that unwittingly raises a lot of questions. For example, there is not hiding under a pseudonym Ardon Crepe Soros? Or, maybe, the billionaire announced his forecast, after having studied the mystic revelation Crepe?

                                                                   Vienna prophecy

     In conclusion, mention of the apocalyptic predictions "Vienna prophet" Gottfried von Werdenberg made by him in the course of a television show in 1994 in the central Austrian television.
Please note: if 21 years ago, Gottfried predicted the revival of a new Russian empire in 2017, saying that will be a harbinger of "overlap of Russian gas tap Europe and not very successful attempt to replace the Old World such supplies Norwegian."
We agree, all this could not be imagined in 1994. However, as a terrorist entity called LIH that brought von Werdenberg while "kvaziislamskoe state I" as UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles, combat drones) in the sky of Ukraine.
From von Werdenberg prophecies attributed to them for 2016-2017, the war will be a harbinger of the coming to power in Moscow, the military, and the Third World itself, which will start soon after, will last two years, bringing the population of the Earth will be reduced to 600 million.
The terrible prophecy, is not it? One is forced to recall the famous painting by Salvador Dali "premonition of civil war", although we have forecasters are talking about a third planetary, and perhaps the last.
However, we wait and see. I would like to return to the subject of forecasts in a few years and start with the words: "Now we have the best evidence of the disputed Western statistics, which says that for the last 200 years, for every hundred predictions had only one - in part! - The right ... "

Предсказания Третьей Мировой войны



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