American scientists have frightened the world with its new study on climate change. It turns out that the water level in the oceans rise much faster than previously thought. Climate scientists are concerned that after half a century of dozens
of megacities on all continents can go under water, and it's not another
Hollywood movie script, but a very real threat. Ice - is the top seller in the Pakistani market. Not even to somehow escape the heat - dead bodies of the anomalous heat overflowing local mortuaries. In the southern province of Sindh have died from heat stroke and a
half thousand people, hospital 20,000,000th city are stretched.
Thousands of people did not survive the heat and in the Indian slums. Plus 46 in the shade - and this is not the limit - even for the usual scorching sun to Asia too. What we talk about Europe, where the thermometer going up with the speed of a racing car?Highest level of danger - red - announced throughout Italy. Animals in the zoo escape frozen fruit, the townspeople - street fountains. In
France and the left: because of the drought in order to save water 60
departments cover cranes, which has not happened since 1947. Balkans covered by forest fires. It looks like global warming. Picture - for those who still consider him a myth. Scientists
from Arkhangelsk, just returned from the Arctic latitudes, the theory
of rapid climate change confirms our own observations. Their
expedition route through Kara Gate Strait and Vilkitsky the first time
at this time of year has not met any serious Toros. Director of the Arctic Centre of Strategic Studies Konstantin Zaykov
says: "In May, the White Sea was almost free of ice. It was also
nonsense, because the ice in these areas long enough to melt."To select a solid block of ice for the winter, polar explorers now I
have to try hundreds of choices, only one computer simulation is
indispensable. The fact that it forms the Arctic weather, the entire world - a fact. And the fact that its ice cap is melting fast - also a fact. And bold predictions of some scientists, the ice is already 30 years old can not stay. It's even earlier than in Antarctica, where one by one split icebergs, dissolving in the waters of the oceans. As it turns out, that the oceans is the main planetary heater, not the sun or carbon dioxide. Deputy Director of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of
Science Alexander Danilov explains, "The calculations show that the
temperature stabilizes quickly, but the level of the oceans will rise
for several centuries." Recent
sensational research results: the level of the oceans is growing at a
record pace - 25 percent faster than previously thought. And
even if the ordinary melting glacier in Kazakhstan has raised the level
of the river Kargalinka so that powerful mudslides nearly filled all
the former capital of the country, overturning cars and destroying
homes, what will turn into billions of tons of water across the oceans
where even 1-2 meters entail catastrophic consequences? And here it is already 5 meters. "These
five meters of ocean rise must be very strong signal to what is
actually a huge amount of low-lying areas, where most of the world's
population will be in the flood zone. It can be said that the East Coast
of the United States, unfortunately, the results of this simulation fully be in the flood zone ", - says head of the Laboratory of Geoecology MGIMO Natalia Ryazanov.US East Coast together with New York and Florida, north of Canada Coast of Latin America. Australia at risk to go under water in the part where 80 percent of the population. This can happen by 2050, i.e., after some 35 years. At risk - all the major European metropolitan areas, coastal cities and entire countries. Half a century ecologists predict 150 million climate refugees. What so fond of scaring Hollywood directors - a catastrophe on a planetary scale - in fact, on the threshold. Director
of the National Climatic Data Center Management Marine and Atmospheric
Administration said Carl Thomas: "In recent years, we can see these
changes in the climate system processes, which we have not seen in the
history of the modern world. In addition to the intensity and speed of
the processes taking place in the world it is human activity associated with the rapid development of the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. " In
the days when Europe was languishing in the heat, when the bill died
from heat stroke French since early July has passed for 700 people, with
the same message and asked Pope Francis. Build a new ark, he certainly did not call, the more that the new
realities of the animals survive the weather and without biblical
engineering structure. And
while some scientists to confirm the theory of the inevitable global
warming found in northern latitudes thawed bodies of prehistoric animals
such as the mammoth carcass, others were surprised to meet there
already quite modern southern species of birds. That
mouse-vole in Yamal, which were thought to the conditions of the Far
North is absolutely not suited prove: the permafrost, and for them is
not so eternal.
Russia could make the US missile defense system meaningless and
useless due to the use of military development with the working code
"object 4202". The
aircraft at hypersonic speed, reported news agency "Interfax",
guaranteed to pass by any prospective missile defense systems. Development
and testing of 4202 were the first over the past 10 anniversary,
including the launches took place from Baikonur and the site for
Dombarovsky (Orenburg region.). At the closed part of the exposure apparatus was shown military specialists at the July forum "Army 2015" Kubinka. Source of "Interfax" explained that the development is not new, it is a
passing phase in the creation of the next - warhead ballistic missiles. "Device" object 4202 "will be capable of maneuvering trajectory pitch (vertical) and yaw (horizontal) at hypersonic speed. Similar properties of the device solved the problem for Russia to overcome any potential missile defense system. A
day earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry in the person of Oleg lush,
representative of the 4th Central Research Institute, said that before
the end of the year the Pentagon has purchased 50 missiles for
self-defense system. Lush promised proportionate response tehmery from Moscow.
Yesterday,I ranto her friend. She saidthat the cat isbehaving strangelysomehowleads,alllooking for something, something to hide, meows. We laughedwith the fact thateven the catknowswhat to dospare, for the yearpromises to be noeasy. Andthe catcontinuedto rush. This behaviorwas strange.
While wedrank teaand chatted, the cat wentto the balconyand saton the window sill. It lookedconsideredflying birds, but the restwas notall the same. We havetalked aboutthat catsoften feelall sorts oftroubles. Leaving,I adviseda friendto be moreprudent...
In the evening,she saidthat the catbecame ill, fell ill, and theycarriedherto the doctor. Pneumonia. From scratch...willprickinjections. Cat16 years old...
This morning,a friendcalled and toldthat theyno longerZosia. Early in the morningthe catscrambledfrom the couch, wentto the kitchen, whereshe and her husbandhad breakfast, jumped on thefirstlapof her husband, whichdoes notallowneverduring a meal, rubbing her, looking into her eyes andsoftlymeowing, thenbarelyjumpedtoa FriendandI have donethe same thing ...
AfterI wentto the balconyand saton the window sill... -Looked at usand threwa farewell glance...Itseems thatit isto fulfill his dream, and the birdsflew away... Icould notsay anything, just staredinto the bluevoid.8 floor. Perhapssomeone willlaugh, butwe havetrouble ...Butwe foundherwith a brokenpawmalyushkoyandtornear...How many years haveflown by, but yesterdaywas ...
The Grammar Of Happiness follows the story of Daniel Everett
among the extraordinary ‘nonconvertible’ Amazonian Pirah tribe, a group
of indigenous hunter- gatherers whose culture and outlook on life has
taken the world of linguistics by storm. As a young ambitious missionary
three decades ago, Dan, a red-bearded towering American, decamped to
the Amazon rain forest to save indigenous souls. His assignment was to
translate the book of Mark into the tongue of the Pirah, a people whose
puzzling speech seemed unrelated to any other on Earth. What he learned
during his time with the Pirah led him to question the very foundations
of his own deep beliefs. As a ‘born again’ atheist, Dan divorced his
devout Christian wife and became estranged from his children. Having
lost faith and family, his new life is dominated by the desire to leave
behind his legacy. Everett’s most controversial claim is that the Pirah
language lacks ‘recursion’ – the ability to build an infinite number of
sentences within sentences, regarded by Chomsky-ists as perhaps the most
fundamental characteristic of human language. The Grammar Of Happiness
interweaves the tale of Everett’s attempt to return to the Pirah with
the story of his personal journey since the sixties – from drug-taking
musician to evangelical missionary to rabble-rousing academic. It’s the
adventurous tale of losing faith but finding happiness.
In May 2015 the famous American billionaire George Soros said the
following: "If there is a clash between China and the US military ally,
such as Japan, it is no exaggeration to say that we are on the verge of
World War III." Soon, similar judgments expressed Allied NATO forces in Bryunsume (Netherlands), Hans-Lothar Domrёze. These statements coincide with the predictions of the western sense of
the prophets made in the 1950-1970-ies and related 2016 and beyond. And in divinations clairvoyants, as in the forecast Soros, Russia plays the role of "flanking ally China" invaded Europe. We
mention these prophecies as a kind of paranormal artifact showing the
inescapable fear of the West to the "unpredictable Russian bear."
1992, when Russia does not like the current country, "risen from its
knees", many German edition published an apocalyptic prophecy of
soothsayer Alois Irlmayera. Auspex 1953, expressed clairvoyant neighbor girl, was later recorded them in his diary. In those days, the forecast Irlmayera aroused a flurry of German
public ironic remarks because nothing in the forecast did not seem real. "My girl, in my time you'll experience a lot of turmoil. First, our country will prosper as never until now. Then
there will be a decline of faith in the Lord and the people wallow in
evils, and we will rush the flow of refugees from the Balkans and
Africa. Our money is worthless, will be high inflation. Shortly thereafter, in Germany start the revolution and civil war, and then at night in Europe suddenly invade Russian. " By Irlmayeru in Europe it will use tactical nuclear weapons, which would sweep the ground Prague. Only
after that the opposing sides - but they are understood as "Yellow
Dragon paired with Red Bear" who oppose "Eagle of the Atlantic" - heed
the voice of reason. Third World be stopped literally on its doorstep. Atomic apocalypse is not followed. If in 1992 the prophecy Irlmayera not earned nationwide popularity, in
2015, when he was placed on the Internet, it has collected 200 thousand
views in a couple of weeks. Modern Germans began superstitious? No, rather, they are scared of the prophecy has come true about "flows of refugees." As
well as the amazing parallels between the infernal visions Irlmayera
and "strategic intelligence", which scare the inhabitants of the Old
World, the North Atlantic Alliance.
"The three numbers, twoeightsand nines"
Veronica Luken gained fame in the United States as one of the most beautiful of all peoples and Sibyl times. With
regard to the accuracy of its prophecies, then check the judges it was
not possible: the majority was done in the years 1976-1978 and
attributed to the clairvoyant 2015-2020 th. Interestingly, predicting these years the third world, Veronica did
not use the language of Aesop in the style of Nostradamus or the same
Irlmayera. "The three numbers, two eights and nines" - the only mysterious phrase Luken did not bother to explain. The rest of Veronica, in the life of an ordinary housewife, operated
the main axis, the number and names of military groups, like an
experienced general. Surprisingly, and Luken like Irlmayeru, foresaw the destruction of Prague after use of tactical nuclear weapons. Again, Europe invaded "Russian troops". However,
it is not preceded by a revolution in Germany, and the rebellion in the
Vatican, the Pope's murder, the war in the Balkans. "In Belgrade enter Russian troops are moving to Italy, come in three columns to Germany towards the Rhine ..." If you believe the Veronica, the events in Europe will provoke a conflict between Russia and the United States. This fortune teller predicts "an era of universal peace", but only
after the nuclear apocalypse-tion: "People learn to live a spiritual
life, refuse to consciously intelligent machines will seek joy in
working with the plow." American Prophecies interesting for several reasons. First, America's future military conflict with Russia, she envisions living in "the era of detente." Secondly, for the first time Luken now uses a recognized term "climate
weapon": its vision of Russia against the United States applies the
signified, provoking dreadful earthquake. Third,
remember the following saying visionary: "The war will start when after
a series of protracted conflicts all sides suddenly start talking about
the world. When all will seem that the worst has been avoided. "
Visions ofan evangelist.
We are particularly interested in foresight of those whose prophecies have come true. And preferably more than once. This
is true for the native of the Congo, a member of the Norwegian
"Movement of the Holy Trinity," the preacher Emmanuel Minos. So, in 1954, he predicted the beginning of Minos television
broadcasting in Norway in 1968, and in 1937, a boy - thanks to the
flowering of Norway reserves had not yet been explored for oil. With regard to the third world, the Norwegian evangelist attributed its beginning in 2016. However,
if, for example, Veronica Luken saw harbingers of a nuclear apocalypse
"general conversations about the world" as well as "a bright comet in
the sky that will seem unexpected for all astronomers," Minos thought
that would be the sign of emergency disaster "aspiration of hundreds of
thousands of impoverished black people fleeing from hunger and war in Europe. " This prediction evangelist did in 1968, when there was not even a hint of today's mass emigration to the Old World from Africa.
Soros-"time traveler"?
Now back to the American billionaire Soros and his forecasts with
respect to the third world war, made during a speech at a conference of
the World Bank. The most striking thing - that the predictions Soros voiced this spring, it was known ... six years ago. In 2009, the Internet appeared mysterious prophet, who claimed that he was a time traveler, and called himself Ardon Crepe. Declaring
that he appeared in our time to warn earthlings from harm, Crepe in
2009 predicted the armed conflict in the Ukraine in 2014, and then -
word for word with Soros - revealed that "Chinese top that in the course
of reforming the economy It needs to reassure his people, to save power, start a war by
attacking Japan and South Korea, and thus triggering the beginning of
the Third World. " In addition, Crepe, like Soros in 2015, urged Washington "to make
concessions to China, which will take Russia as an ally," and let the
yuan included in the IMF's currency basket. Match Crepe prophecy and prediction of Soros is that unwittingly raises a lot of questions. For example, there is not hiding under a pseudonym Ardon Crepe Soros? Or, maybe, the billionaire announced his forecast, after having studied the mystic revelation Crepe?
In conclusion, mention of the apocalyptic predictions "Vienna prophet"
Gottfried von Werdenberg made by him in the course of a television show
in 1994 in the central Austrian television. Please note: if 21 years ago, Gottfried predicted the revival of a new
Russian empire in 2017, saying that will be a harbinger of "overlap of
Russian gas tap Europe and not very successful attempt to replace the
Old World such supplies Norwegian." We agree, all this could not be imagined in 1994. However, as a terrorist entity called LIH that brought von Werdenberg
while "kvaziislamskoe state I" as UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles, combat
drones) in the sky of Ukraine. From von Werdenberg prophecies attributed to them for 2016-2017, the
war will be a harbinger of the coming to power in Moscow, the military,
and the Third World itself, which will start soon after, will last two
years, bringing the population of the Earth will be reduced to 600
million. The terrible prophecy, is not it? One is forced to recall the famous painting by Salvador Dali
"premonition of civil war", although we have forecasters are talking
about a third planetary, and perhaps the last. However, we wait and see. I
would like to return to the subject of forecasts in a few years and
start with the words: "Now we have the best evidence of the disputed
Western statistics, which says that for the last 200 years, for every
hundred predictions had only one - in part! - The right ... "
Sooner orlater humanity willnecessarilyproceed tothe developmentof the Moon.There is onlya suspicion thatlanded onEarth satellitecolonialistsfind thatplaceis already taken.
This fact that the Moon is not going smoothly, people noticed since ancient times. In 1587, astronomer Tycho Brahe wrote about the emergence of a huge star on the lunar surface. The Englishman Halley in 1715 observed on the moon are numerous pockets of illumination. In 1787, English astronomer and geophysicist William Herschel noted on the moon three stationary light source. In September 1820, several European astronomers recorded the movement
of a "military order" on the moon's surface luminous objects.
astronomers XVIII and XIX centuries, moving fixed by the lunar disk
glowing objects and which emit blue, red and white rays of the "stars"
flying around the Earth's satellite. Not surprisingly, many astronomers were unsure population moon. In XX century, as technology became only be added puzzles. In 1912, the English weekly "Popular Astronomy," reported the discovery of an object on the moon 100H400 km. For several years, astronomers have argued about his origins as he strangely disappeared.
In 1920, the Scottish scientist Duncan Lunan discovered orbiting lunar satellite emitting radio signals ordered. Power led a "broadcast" until 1940. In 1955, Soviet astronomer Yeremenko observed landing on the lunar surface of the unknown object. Scientists
had hoped that the space probes sent to help sort out all of these
oddities, but instead clues on their heads struck a tree images of
pyramids, obelisks, objects that resemble the ruins of buildings and
structures, etc. etc.In
1968, NASA released a catalog, brought toge
1968, NASA released a catalog, brought together more than 600
descriptions of anomalies on the lunar surface, which science can not
explain: moving luminous objects, trenches, elongated at a rate of up to
6 km / h, appearing and disappearing suddenly craters, bright fog and
even something like mechanisms. In 1969, the Americans landed on the moon. If
the fact of flight "Apollo 11" and its moon landing no doubt (this is
followed by all astronomical observatories in the world), then about the
reliability of the film, brought the astronauts, spears break until
now. If the film - a hoax, then where is the real footage? I saw the Americans on the moon?
On the Internet you can find dozens of photos attributed to the mission "Apollo" simply stunning. The vast majority of them - a photo-montage. But according to some ufologists this shaft low-grade Photoshop
organized deliberately, to hide in the mass really unique shots,
mysterious ways pulled out from the secret archives of NASA.
Moon with a surprise. The assumption that the moon has long inhabited by aliens is not absurd. Finding a habitable planet, the aliens do not interfere in our lives Millennium limited supervision. Moon for these purposes as a base - the perfect place. It
is possible to equip the spaceport, warehouses, repair and maintenance
of ships, to build a research center, you can use the moon as a source
of raw materials. Moreover, it is possible that the moon itself is an artificially created entity. The grounds for this assumption is. The coordinates of the orbit of the moon relative to the Earth reconciled with mathematical precision. The slightest deviation in one direction or another - and the satellite would inevitably fell on the ground or flew to space. The age of some lunar scientists determine matters 5.3 billion. Years old and dust covering the moon - 7.3 billion. Years. Ie they are older than the Earth, which "only" 4.54 billion. years. Assuming that aliens dragged his "base" here from afar and "hang" it in Earth orbit, everything falls into place. In 1969, Americans throwing waste on the surface of the satellite module provoked moonquake. After
processing the received information in the course of the experiment,
the scientists concluded that the nucleus of the Moon is not very
likely. This is also confirmed by the extremely low density of the moon - 3.34 g / cc. (Earth - 5.54). This is quite a normal figure for the hollow object. It
was also found that the satellite has an inner metal shell thickness of
70 km, consisting of nickel, iron, tungsten, beryllium, and so on.
Elements. All this does not correspond to the status of the natural satellite. Space Program of Russia, USA and China provide for the establishment of permanent stations on the moon by 2030. The probability that a person will be there first intelligent being much higher than 50%. For better to be a future meeting? !