Thursday, June 25, 2015

Different opinions...

 Михаил Веллер     Away: Michael Veller writer Michael Veller.   Moderator: Marina Koroleva.

M. Koroleva- Hello. It really is "Minority Report." I - Marina Koroleva. On the contrary - writer Michael Veller. Hello.M. Veller- Good evening.M. Koroleva- about Putin will talk a lot, particularly in the wake of his speech in St. Petersburg Economic Forum. Let's just: Russia does not claim to superpower status. Putin said.M. Veller- me personally, it is known simply knocked down and plunged into a stupor. That is the cognitive dissonance, which can bring together in an insane asylum, and placed in a chamber with Svejk. What it does not claim to superpower status. And who then superpower. On whom and on what Russia claims. And how to build a multi-polar world, if there is only one superpower. I like it a statement on the merits is not entirely clear, because if taken literally, it is a quiet horror. It is a moral, intellectual, mental surrender. Yes, we are no longer a superpower. So what are we - a regional power.M. Koroleva- does not apply.M. Veller- not pretend, then, has no claim to what is not. So there are not going to. It is a quiet horror. I think it is a terrible blow to the image of himself as still a great country. Once a superpower, so not a great country. At the same time it should mean no, no, we do not want, we will not want, we are quiet, modest, fluffy, pretended broom in the corner. Well, here and there. How many missiles 20-40-60 said. Well, is aimed think, you never know what targeting. It's all nothing. Strange statement. Strange.M. Koroleva- Still essentially let no jokes, no parsing of words. Essentially. Do you think that Putin simply by answering a reporter's question, he dissembled or he really thinks? In the cases.M. Veller- I think that is why the public response to the Head of State can not be considered a journalist as a true opinion of the head of state in the last approximation. If we all started talking to journalists all what we think actually, in one large chamber were the journalists, and the other - those who say they do.M. Koroleva- Well, for. What we are witnessing. Russian claims to superpower status now?M. Veller- One would like to ask a stupid specification: for or share. Here and begs this cute play on words. In action, certainly apply. Because of actions: how dare you at our borders to do something. But you see, at our borders they live. Here we live at their borders, and they live in our own. But we do, so we live near the borders of many countries. But they are small, so all gathered around the perimeter, they are at our borders. There is not that China is large. And all the others, in general, are small. If they have a weapon, then they relocate it to a depth of 200 kilometers, the entire diameter of their territory or of only 50 - in general, it is unimportant. So I think that, of course, talk about the fact that thousands of years of history behind us, that the only true religion is Orthodox Christianity, that we the people and the country great so-and-so is a great culture, yes, of course, is a superpower and nothing else.M. Koroleva- the way, are you talking about Orthodoxy. There is another Orthodox country Greece. And the Prime Minister of Greece Tsipras also came to St. Petersburg, but all waited in Brussels, because the problems in Greece are now large. On debt, loans. And he's said that Europe is losing its position and Russia is gradually taking shape in the new economic and political sense. There you are, see how other countries are now Russia.M. Veller- If a dog smells food, it learns to jump over the stick. This is quite known. Greece Orthodox country, the heiress of the greatest of ancient Greek culture. But it should be noted that the Greeks, like many nations, more love to receive money than they earn. They scared like getting money for nothing, and like many Southern nations to work they do not like at all. So many years they happily eat up those debts are piling in the state to populist parties in a democratic system of elections went to the authorities. And then when it turned out that all eat up and you have to pay, they screamed: scoundrels, what it means to pay for it. So what we have received lineman two thousand euros, but so what, a thousand euros pension. So what that the students are all free, even 800 euros extra. We have to pay for anything not going to. As a respected Tsipras that belt-tightening policy is not the policy. And what policies. His policy boils down to one thing: we do not want to pay, we want to continue to borrow money. This is good and morally. And make us pay this much and immoral. Dear Russian, your president said that Russia does not claim to superpower status. But it is still a great spiritual and beautiful. Maybe she'll give us the money, and then we'll be friends with you and to show Europe's most ostentatiously fig.M. Koroleva- So you suspect Greece in such mercantile interests, and that she is friends with us for money. Perhaps this is a manifestation of some new trends in the world. When did the country are turning away from the US or the EU, where strict rules. And here we are, a great power with great resources. Money is still there, too. The new center of the world. Why not.M. Veller- Nothing is more traditional and old normal than the debtor, who turns away from the lender. Here in our 90s lenders simply killed. They gained more in debt and killed. It was the usual way to resolve the issue. Greece can not do, so at least she spits Germany calloused hand, which she wants to hand pick their debts. In Germany, too, are not angels live there neo-kolonial its policies, but it is necessary to think what you take and what you are eating. So when you come to the money, they should not be suspected of some magnanimity. Once they are given somewhere big piece, and there they will come running. In politics, no personal sympathy, no Gumilev called this, there is such a property - complementarity, where some people like others. This is when a man and a woman love each other, and the peoples like each other for free, and even at a loss, it was not such a people to like each at a loss.M.Koroleva - Kadets, we have something that's why, I'm sorry. We have our own problems. We both said Alexei Kudrin - a full-fledged crisis. What are we to Greece, we can not buy it.M. Veller- This is elementary. Firstly, Greece as a member of the EU could split the union on the part of most sanctions against Russia. Because it is necessary to adopt unanimously. Split them all apart and kill one. This is absolutely correct policy. Second, the Turkish stream. After 18.00 to consider the Greek stream. We do not care where he goes this tube, though the moon. But as long as the pipe is built, from the budget to sleep off the money. While they sleep off, well, let's say half of them, I know the exact amount is not given, half of them stolen. So wherever there was a pipe, it is still profitable venture for those who pulls the pipe and who gets the money to the pipe.M. Koroleva- That is not for us, the Russian ...M. Veller- course not. I do not understand, and here for us. We all share in the natural resources that steers "Rosneft", "Gazprom" and so on, do not have and should not have. That it came from the side. We can run the car and smell the gasoline.M. Koroleva- Incidentally, with regard to Putin, from which we can not go todayM. Veller- And not only, and not leaving tomorrow.M. Koroleva- Yes, the postponement may we too talk. But while I have several of his statements at the economic forum in St. Petersburg. Putin proposed to return to the economy of the elements of Soviet planning. As he said, the State Planning Commission in a good way. Indeed, why not.M. Veller- I have been familiar with this view. 6-7 years ago, Doctor of Economics Sergey Chernyshev and in person and on the radio expressed those same thoughts, and I was with him completely agree. He talked about the partial introduction of the partial plan. Cites as an example that when there are cars at a red light, imagine how cars get under way. Lights green, and one they are gaining intervals. Now imagine how the train starts. He moves, and move all the cars in the coupling, immediately. Without increasing intervals. Because the way things are done quite ugly, then, unfortunately, the Western liberal democratic model in an overlay on Russian traditions and mentality itself does not live up to. Because today's turn on the TV, and there is asked, in my opinion, Sergei Ivanov, which as you know we are teeming with the Far East sea fish, and we are no fish. It turns out that we do not have refrigerated containers. Maybe it's time to think about it. This was no time to think, 10 years ago Kolyma who had not thought of, and the next 10 days probation.Yeah you M.Koroleva - Stalinist.M. Veller- Absolutely. I think that Stalin, having impoverished the heavy, full of troubles childhood, adolescence and youth, as a result concluded, moreover, that the general was a Bolshevik, a Leninist, and so on, that would not otherwise work. That's when their aircraft in the CB at any moment can shoot, they do best in the world, let's say at the level of the best fighters.M. Koroleva- Kadets ...

M. Veller: In Soviet times, we would have very little help, the whole system was organized on GosplanuQ89M. Veller- Now, now. But if there is, where do the cars of the people, it does not get any, then they begin to grow quite hands from other place. Where usually grow up. Sorry. That car will never happen.M.Koroleva - I just want to ask you all serious?M. Veller- Unfortunately and regrettably, I absolutely seriously, because that's the kind thing. Excuse me, I'm a little distracted. I spent 13 minutes personal, watching Saakashvili puts his formidable ... Odessa prosecutor's office. And there sat hardened thieves, cynics with a stable nervous system. Without any expansion of Georgia, who nod and they have no emotion on their faces. They steal, steal and will steal. They never will understand, moreover, they do not understand the main thing - we have to act not according to the letter of the law, because many fools everywhere, they do not need. We must act with conscience and mind. Within the framework of the law. And any chief, official, administrator should not be guided in order to effectively fulfill the letter of the law, to snatch a piece, Having reported. And to think that benefits people and the country, taking advantage of the law. They think about it do not want to categorically. They are professionally unsuitable for all this activity. If they are not forced to work under duress, would not they guys do, and when there are people who are able to work, can and want to, and there are such. But, unfortunately, a minority. That all this stuff that's pushing these people, because these people prevent them from stealing. And to live solely for pleasure.M. Koroleva- But we are with you about different things. You - about coercion and so on, and I'm asking you about the plan.M. Veller- Absolutely.M.Koroleva - Gosplan(national plan) than we helped you during the Soviet era. Empty shops, factories that produce God knows what. What helped us Gosplan?M. Veller- In Soviet times, I'm afraid we would have very little help, because the whole system was organized by the State Planning Commission. The whole country ideologically, information, material and it was one big Gosplan, where every thought about how to Having reported. They sewed monstrous costumes, they made hideous cars. But now they do not do any sort. They shake their raw materials and sell them as Indians, that American Indians who themselves learned to pump oil. And sell white. So I'm afraid we do not have very good prospects.M. Koroleva- Wait. Food is some produce. Not all buy.M. Veller- You know, when the Normans came to Russia, the Slavs, and Finno-Ugric peoples all produced food and somehow fed. Feed is not very rich families of the 15 children were born.M. Koroleva- So after all planned economies. There is a market economy and it somehow works the Western world. There is no State Planning Commission and state planning.M. Veller- Two worlds, two systems. This German world, absorbed Roman culture. It's a different world. Cultural, ethnic, and even religious. With a different story. Which began at a different time. And there is another phase
social ethnic-genesis . Sorry for that ...M.Koroleva - That is not for us or what?M. Veller- No, not for us. We have tried - does not fit. He ran and have become plunder.M. Koroleva- And what we need? Tanya asks, then what's the mentality that if African.M. Veller- No. Why are African. You would think that niggers Africa invented all these things. Why do we have any big half of the population welcomed the image of Comrade Stalin. This is a manifestation of social instinct because people articulate: a contact can not be otherwise. Maybe, in fact, it can not be otherwise with them. Or rather forgive us with all the other way. Of course, all smart, stupid, and then from time to time will be sent in the basement or on the Kolyma. Well, what it is at the level of the law of large numbers. So what about the plan spoke not a good life. If a free unplanned economy it would be good, and we would plan would not need to FIG. So because nothing we do not want.M. Koroleva- So you did not say that we need? Which model we can approach. With our mentality so.M. Veller- answer is: Chinese.

M. Veller: When Kudrin said that we have a full-fledged crisis, I personally experienced the feeling of envy black Q89Mikhail Korolev - Oh-oh.M. Veller- We will approach the Chinese model.M. Koroleva- That is twisting ideological nuts. Executions of corrupt officials. That's all right?M. Veller- You see, for some reason, we always want to start with the crackdown and the execution of corrupt officials. First. You can pass a law, who stole 100 billion. - Shot publicly in the square. I'll tell you what would have passed, 95% would vote with joy and steal ...M. Well Queen- OKS which executions in the square.M. Veller- explains. These are not the thieves who dearer bloodsucker. These are people who are killing the country, the people, the culture, the state and the future.M. Koroleva- You humanist writer, are you any executions.M. Veller- Demonstration. My dear, the fact is that there are beings who live as an example, that's what life should never. So if a man who stole a hundred million of the country, shot, personally I strongly welcome. These are one hundred million, which are not bought from this medication and people die. Those one hundred million, to which the young scientists to go abroad. Because the house does not have its equipment and its future. Those one hundred million, all of which are cutting, because the roads are not built to get your apartment, it is impossible to buy, but they stole a hundred million. I think the wall.M. Koroleva- Yes, fine. You're not kidding.Let M. Veller- where they live, then from that more people die.M. Koroleva- Now imagine you wrote a book ideologically harmful, because it is difficult to stay on the executions only in connection with the economic situation. And you said you harm homeland and because of you and your children die shot in public.M. Veller- one second. Firstly, I do not want to continue this conversation, so as not to fall into calls for extremism. I am categorically against extremism, I gave as an example China and praised the Chinese model as yet, thank God, it is not called extremism. I said that I think the Chinese model when it comes to some more or less presentable system, we would have liked more than any other, no one is to blame. With regard to the fact that if you, it reminds me of a passage from one scene Priestley. How did you get here. That came on the train at 6.15. And if it all came here by train at 6.15. Well, that means - if you if you. No need for any "if you" because we have our own. Here we see the performances require prosecutors on the subject of censorship. If there was something naked or obscene. Not just started the censorship, but in some stupid overact as absolutely absurd. On the other hand there are guys who believe that art and morality may have something in common, and can not have. That is when they say, art is entitled to all this means is that the art is morality and ethics in the coffin seen. I find it difficult to agree with it. Because it is based on all the same people and human affairs. Beyond morality it means you're a freak and you need to really shorten and wake dashing, yet it is quiet. Because on the one hand with the introduction of censorship freaks and monsters on the other side with your bare ass instead of the classics. But you say, how to live. The answer is: I do not know.M. Koroleva- Michael Weller, after a few minutes we will continue his "Minority Report."

 NEWSM. Koroleva- We continue to "Minority Report." That's the way the listener question: in the light of the latest news as you consider which operation takes place in the Kremlin successor or forever?M. Veller- I read this question. Firstly, when Kudrin said that we have a full-fledged crisis, I personally experienced the feeling of black envy. I understand that it Kudrin great mind, he says. But you know, I too could go to the Economic Forum, and say we have a full-fledged crisis. So actually, wherever you come, you say, crisis, imperfect, defective, three-quarters full. Or one that you can not pronounce.M. Koroleva- But Putin said that there is no crisis.M. Veller- Absolutely. But as the President of the, a large amount of information just says there is no crisis, then the crocodile flying, although apparently, and a low. But we've got to bring all this point to let everyone know that there is no crisis, it means that they are bastards stopped frantically to raise rent, so they stopped to lay off workers, reduce employees in all structures at all levels. Who can. That they did not close any shop, shops and businesses. By saying that we do not pull, and so on. In general, we have forgotten that there was, I did not say 26, but 34 and so on. It's not a crisis. Question: what is a crisis. I would like to read the wording. You read the wording - like crisis. This is called cognitive dissonance say. On a cell with an elephant you see the words "buffalo" and causes the carriage of psychiatric hospital. I understand. Further, with regard to the statement Kudrin, that elections before. That's right, because you have to take someone like that from the outside, it is almost the opposition, for many years he drove all the money of the country over the hill quite officially, legally, he put a signature. And now, as if the opposition. Opposition pleasure to, it's gold. And he says, not to do for us early elections. And on the other side say no, no, we did not order. That's right, it is said, we did not intend to join the Crimea. But then the Crimea asked him naturally attached. We are not going to carry the presidential election, but then let's ask the people and will suffer. It is a very interesting test.M. Koroleva- meaning.M. Veller- As to the meaning, I fully agree with the fact that Anton Oreh wrote, because I thought the same thing. Imagine that a purely arbitrary, presidential elections will take place this November. For example, in November 2015 for six years, it was the same under Medvedev changed from 4 to 6, and from November 2015 to November 2021. Who sees in November 2021, my God, what will happen in November 2021 would be good to ask the Lord God but, in my opinion, he is in trouble.M. Yes Koroleva  - can be everything will be fine.M. Veller- Yes, let's hope. I am in favor, I am for optimism. Maybe everything is fine, and can not be. Now, suppose there comes autumn 2017, for example, two years have passed. And two years later so bad, well, as an option, the world is always the same world, but still have to be a bomb shelter just in case. So bad that 86% instead of 0.86%, we have ...M. Koroleva- Oh, come on.

M. Weller: Once a superpower, so not a great country. We are quiet, modest, fluffy in the corner pretended venikomQ89M. Veller- Theoretically. We talk as if we were two mathematics. And then it turns out that they want to arrange Maidan. For the next six years, the legitimately elected by an overwhelming majority of the population, and loved by the people the president to power has been strong to the vertical is not swayed. It now would be quite natural. Cancel the hell out of these elections, for which the money is spent, who confuse the minds, they make confusion in people. Why should this election, honestly.M. Koroleva- By the way, yes, again, the elections, and when the crisis. What does it mean to postpone the election - that means in 2016, for example, again unclear. Still unclear. What? That is, he wants to stay, or he wants to go?M. Veller- He wants to stay forever or until until it changes its mind. Still, even in the galley slaves sometimes tired.M. Koroleva- That is not an operation "successor".M. Veller- No, I think that this is not an operation "successor", but when there is the possibility of both, in children's chess called fork. It is always very profitable. When there are a lot of opportunities. As for the Council. What is the thought. Popularly elected Senate. Here it is the highest authority. People directly from the people. As you look - just from the people. See how Senator floors are of the devil knows what ancient mineral polished and once you understand - this man of the people. It is natural. The legacy of the great-grandfather received the floors. So if it is here now, too, that in the next five years she was not threatened. Because now we are approaching the eye of the typhoon. It is totally understand everything. So there banging. Although you know, because people ...M. Koroleva- eye of the typhoon is that we have?M. Veller- It is that middle, in the middle of this very quietly, and then as a blow to all read Jack London's "Tales of the South Seas." Lovely was a writer. So when I see all over the city crowds our brothers from Central Asia pulled the old borders and pose new dig ditches, interrupted tile work just like ants on the construction of the pyramid, like nowhere else to put money, as all roads have built, all hospitals are equipped and so on, all classes of computers. I understand that they have there is no crisis.M.Koroleva - usefulness.M. Veller- Yes. They have it defective. It was an old joke: What is different from the western Soviet AIDS. They - incurable. And our - undefeated. That way we do not want to be a superpower. We are tired of this, we are so quiet and modest. Well, that, behold, you know.M. Koroleva- I want to ask, what distinguishes the arrest of Russian property abroad from the robbery in the Middle Ages. State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin today such an image is very juicy lead. You vote as a writer. He said that he really is highway robbery in the forest. But those bandits were once such hairy men with daggers, swords, then guns, rifles. And now they are properly dressed, but still the robbers in the Middle Ages.M. Veller- You know, hairy men with daggers, I am far from being able to see something appeals to national hatred. God forbid me. But it is some ambiguous image - hairy men with daggers. The word "furry" has two meanings. The second may be his shaggy clothes. Viking, Ragnar Hairy Pants. And if his cloak, he from neck to toe hairy. Or he undresses. No bodybuilder body unshaven. Who's the best, we will not say which nations the most hairy. We're not out there nationalists. A strange comparison. Now for the medieval robbery. During that fight, then ran. At first, anyway, released by MB Khodorkovsky released and released. I'm one of those people who believed that if the plant, so put all businessmen. And if you still do not sit, what he steamed one, you know. We'll leave the calculations to Yukos who it wanted to take and so on. Next. That is sue 50 billion. Dollars you know, and really and awarded, and then we have chosen Russian arbitration court in The Hague, selected and applied, and the arbitration tribunal in the Hague began the arbitration judge and said no, guys, have to pay 50 billion. We were not told then, that all of you a great fig. We disagree with the court. We hire the most expensive lawyers in the world. We ship to you, we all are withdrawing, CHALLENGES. We set up the case of a lifetime, pull the rubber to 22 century. Well no.M. Koroleva- We simply do not pay.M. Veller- now started to implement this decision. Forgive generously, de jure, these actions are flawless. De facto worldwide, not only in Spain, who came up with the saying to each other all the enemy - the law. Thus, assuming that the West and Russia have been deeply friendly relations, the issue of 50 yards somehow shook their would, quietly in the peace treaty. They said, in fact, 50 billion. Crazy amount, but enough with them, and so on. But if that's gone such a confrontation, then, guys, here's the court's decision, pay. As for the confrontation, when in the 80 th year in the Security Council of the United Nations discussed the introduction of a limited Soviet contingent in Afghanistan, where our comrade Trojanowski Representative repeatedly explained - so nothing normal contract, only one of the articles, and etc. And then the American representative, a representative of the English yelled after the third representative of the French explanation: Gentlemen, do not you think, that Mr Trojanowski mocks our mental abilities. You know, these guys are able to come into a rage when month after month bullied over their mental faculties. Well, they are all that and staged. So all this is of course very sad for Russia. Step course with a political tinge, of course unfriendly step. But this step is completely within the law.M. Koroleva- That is hairy men do not stop.M. Veller- you want to butt, well, let's horns against our horns, boys. You want to arrest our property, so let arrested, even find a legitimate reason, to hold the court. If we arrest them all, the country becomes richer. I would welcome it. If there will be found some grounds.M. Koroleva- I want you to return to our conversation, which model suits us. There is a good question from Valery: why is the Soviet, moved west, fit into the market model of the West. And it's true.

M. Weller: Cancel the election, that confuse the minds of the people to make mischief. Why are they, really slovoQ89M. Veller- Oh, I have many years this question was asked. While it is not answered. The thing is, I repeat, I said here once, I introduce such a thing to me, I simply did not meet. As a social quality of the people. Social quality of the people means that every nation has all sorts of different people. Smart, stupid, hardworking, lazy, honest and thieves and so on, in different proportions, with different set of qualities. And depending on this ratio, the country's fit such a device, it makes him or herself fit here such. If we take one individual, the person has great adaptation resources, he comes from Africa and will be able to adapt his children and even more so in the developed Western US, which want a society, and even people who come from Russia, but they're at home. They are all excellent. No problems with it. But when they were all together, we get a quiet horror. Because blacks those who are millionaires, politicians, prominent musicians, they are people like everyone else. Skin color does not matter. But when are they going to Liberia, they have there is slavery, such bloodlust such savagery that quiet horror. Thus, the Russian abroad yes all the time Nobel Prize winners, multimillionaires. Wonderful people completely.M. Koroleva- Or simply obedient corporate employees.M. Veller- Once assembled together, it turns out that we have. So I have, unfortunately, there is no optimism in this regard.M.Koroleva - So you have answered the question to answer, but a way - the question yet to be answered.M. Veller- course, you can share all the nations with the Netherlands and look at this interesting experience. Here recently a Dutch farmer had sold everything and went back to FIG. So I suspect that the Chinese model is the best for us. Because if they do not beat off the hands clean, so they do not plundered billions, then what are you talking about. What a bright path to communism.M. Koroleva- Michael Veller, the writer was in the studio today, "Minority Report". Thank you, everyone happy.M. Veller- for the Victory.

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