Thursday, August 27, 2015

Video spaceship aliens become YouTube hit !

Видео космического корабля инопланетян стало хитом YouTube 
Video alien spaceship exploded online. Write a mysterious object caused an incredible stir on the Internet, says Mirror.On YouTube you can find several versions of rollers. According to the British newspaper, the author of the video frame is a resident of the Florida city of Jacksonville.The girl said that at the time of the shooting thought that takes a kite. In the frame of her cell was unknown black object, which detach other minor items. As eyewitnesses, a UFO was observed a couple of minutes, and then disappeared from sight.Ufologists discovered the similarity of the object to the reference to them "extraterrestrial companion," "The Black Knight". Among the followers of the conspiracy theory is a hypothesis that it floats in Earth orbit, and sometimes sends complicated to decipher the message.First learned about it in 1954, when the American military pilot Donald Keio said he saw an extraterrestrial object. In 1998, the "Black Knight" was captured members of the space shuttle "Endeavour".The similarity imprinted in Florida UFOs with him obviously Tyler says Glockner. An object looks similar, as well as the frame of "Endeavour". However, there was the question of why an extraterrestrial satellite came down from space almost to the ground, resulting in him, "Rossiyskaya Gazeta".

                                 UFO photographed in the sky above Florida.


Monday, August 24, 2015

Physics and physiology prove:death is not !

Dollarphotoclub 76917120 700x466 Пробирка с жидкостью   Test tube with liquid 
It exists only in the human mind

In the US, published a book titled "Bio centrism life and consciousness - the keys to understanding the true nature of the universe." The announcement of this excited the Internet, as accompanied by assurances that life does not end with the death of the body, and goes on forever. And the author - scientist Robert Lanza - do not doubt it.

                                                    Out of time and space

 Lanza - a specialist in regenerative medicine and scientific director of Advanced Cell Technology. Before he was known for his research in the field of stem cells, to his credit several successful experiments on cloning endangered species.
But a few years ago, scientists became interested in physics, quantum mechanics and astrophysics. From this explosive mixture was born the theory of the new bio centrism, professor and preacher which has become.
According to the theory, there is no death. It is - an illusion that arises in the minds of people. It arises because the person identifies himself with his body. He knows that sooner or later the body will die. And I think that goes with it. In fact, consciousness exists outside of time and space. Able to be anywhere: in the human body and outside it. That fits in well with the foundations of quantum mechanics, according to which certain particles can be here and there, and an event - to develop several - sometimes countless - options.
Lanza believes in the existence of multiple universes. In them something and realized all the possible scenarios. In one universe, the body is dead. And in another - will continue to live, absorbing consciousness, which spilled over into this universe.
In other words, the dying whiz through that same tunnel, is not in hell or in heaven, but in the same world in which he lived, but - again alive. And so - to infinity.

                                        At the same time, we !

In hopeful but highly controversial theory Lanza has a lot of unwitting supporters - not just mere mortals who want to live forever, but also well-known scientists. These are physics and astrophysics, to talk about parallel worlds, that is, assuming that many universes. Multiverse (multi-universe) - the so-called scientific concept which they defend. And assure that no physical laws, which prohibit the existence of parallel worlds.
The first of them in 1895, told the science fiction of HG Wells in his story "The Door in the Wall." And later, in '62 he developed the idea in graduate thesis at Princeton University, Hugh Everett III. Its essence: every moment the universe splits into countless similar. And in the next moment, these "babies" are split in the same way. In some of these worlds exist you. In one - reading this article, in the other - watch TV.

 - The impetus for the proliferation of the worlds are our deeds, - explained Everett. - Should we make some choices in an instant from one universe get two. With the different variants of fate. And some of the universes of the plane sat in Kazan successfully ...
In the 1980s, the theory of multiple universe developed Andrei Linde - our former compatriot, a member of the Lebedev Physical Institute. Now - a professor at Stanford University.
- Space - told Linda - consists of many inflating balls that give rise to the same balls, and those, in turn, give rise to similar balls in even larger quantities, and so on to infinity. In the space they are separated. And do not feel the presence of each other. But they are - part of the same physical world.
The fact that our universe is not alone, and show data obtained by the Planck Space Telescope. On this basis, scientists have created the most accurate map of the microwave background - the so-called cosmic microwave background radiation, preserved since the inception of our universe. And we saw that it is replete with dark failures - by some holes and extended lacunae.
Theoretical physicist Laura Mersini-Houghton of the University of North Carolina and her colleagues argue: CMB anomaly arose from the fact that our universe is influenced by other adjacent. And the holes and gaps - from the direct impacts of our neighboring universes. So places - other universes, which according to the theory I could fly off the new bio centrism shower - fully. But she had something she is?

 The existence of an eternal soul has no doubt Professor Stuart Hameroff of the University of Arizona. Even last year, he said he found evidence that the human consciousness does not disappear after his death.
According to Hameroff, the human brain - is a perfect quantum computer, the soul or consciousness - the information accumulated at the quantum level. It can be transmitted: after the body dies, quantum information consciousness merges with our universe there exist indefinitely. A bio centrism Lanza proves that she flies into another universe. What is different from his colleagues.
The associates have Hameroff Sir Roger Penrose - famous British physicist and mathematician from Oxford, which is also found in our Universe traces of contact with others. However, scientists are developing a quantum theory of consciousness. And we believe that carriers of consciousness found - elements that accumulate during the life of the information, and after the death of the body somewhere its "drained". It is located within the neuron protein microtubules (microtubules), which was withdrawn before a modest role of reinforcement and intracellular transport channels. Microtubules in its structure best suited to be carriers of quantum properties in the brain. Because they can long time to keep the quantum states - that is, elements of the work of a quantum computer.

TOTAL: Nothing new in bio centrism Lanza not - about the existence of the underworld has long said religion. Scientist can only reconcile with it their concept. It is God's role in it is not visible.


Friday, August 14, 2015

Hartebeest tribes of men's big testicles !

Tribe hartebeest - this mysterious tribe that roams between Kenya and Somalia. According to the definition of some dictionaries, hartebeest - an ancient North African subspecies of antelope more cows. So what is the relationship between the tribe hartebeest antelope and cows "hartebeest"?

Despite the fact that Africa is rich in natural resources, it remains the poorest and most underdeveloped continent. Poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and inadequate water supply and sanitation, as well as poor health affects the majority of people living on the African continent, and the same thing happens with the tribe hartebeest. Therefore, people from the tribe hartebeest turn to the only of its wealth - cows. Tribesmen have learned that eating menstrual cows to help them deal with such illnesses as rickets, scurvy and leukemia! This is a unique and most unusual tradition: children hartebeest eat menses cows until they reach puberty. The tribe believes that cow licking genitals makes soldiers stronger and braver.

Italian scientists have recently discovered that menstrual cows are the source of vitamins like B6, B12, E, and D. In addition isolation make up deficiency of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium in the body hartebeest . That is why scientists believe that cows protect the tribe from the terrible disease in the region - anemia (lack of hemoglobin).
Growth of testicles !!
Wow! As a result, men who have reached puberty in tribal hartebeest testicles grow to epic proportions - 70-80 centimeters. This "miracle" of nature is due to the non-traditional food which practiced in his youth hartebeest. Rich hormones menses cattle cause irreversible hormonal changes in humans and 
exactly this results in that the testes grow to such a size.

Fortunately these giant testicles do not have a negative impact on reproductive function, even though they are responsible for many other obvious problems.
Yes, it is possible for us to cow licking the genitals or eating menstrual sounds awful and disgusting, but for them - for bubaltsev possible is the only way to survive in this cruel continent. As long as you laugh at them, please think twice, how lucky you are!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Shot from the Past: Poroshenko tried in the United States for pedophilia !

Выстрел из прошлого: П.Порошенко судили в США за педофилию 
Past "shot" in the Ukrainian presidential powerful charge of dirty sex. Annie Lober, nee Anna Mikhnenko, an immigrant from Ukraine and a former prostitute with East 7th Street in Manhattan. The founder of the company "Whore of Jesus» (Hookers for Jesus), helping the girls working in the sex industry. In May she appealed to the law enforcement agencies of the United States, a statement of the sexual relationship in early childhood with Petro Poroshenko.
"In 2005, the year I was fifteen. She lived with her mother in the winery. My mother worked as a cleaner at the office candy factory Petro Poroshenko, where he often visited. I came to the factory to help her. Poroshenko noticed me started in the principal's office, where deprived of innocence. He promised to marry when I reach the age of majority, but basely cheated "- writes Annie Lober. Mental and physical injuries have become reasons for her departure to the United States occupation of prostitution there. Later, Annie married her pimp took the last name.
Accusing the President of Ukraine in support of pedophilia prosecutors in Manhattan. The case was sent to the District Court for the Southern District of New York. July 25 Judge Jed Rakoff announced the final verdict: Petro Poroshenko, a citizen of the United States, accused of having sex with a minor, not guilty.
President of Ukraine did not attend the trial due to the known world events. Defended Poroshenko popular American lawyer Alan Dershowitz. He provided the court with evidence of innocence of his client: a video survey in Vinnitsa Mikhnenko Helena - mother Annie Lober. Indications daughter she completely denied. Let me explain: Pan Poroshenko actually met several times with a young Anya at the factory, but only for dancing with her hopak.

 Dershowitz jury read a document from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. It followed from "innocent" in fifteen years Mikhnenko Anya, she Annie Lober, with 14 years was registered with the police for prostitution.
Point in fact the president of Ukraine in the court delivered his wife Marina Poroshenko. "Pyotr could not be intimate relationship in 2005. On the wrestling match in 1986 he was injured. After it, he can not have children, and physical intimacy with a woman. My husband is impotent goner "- shared the personal grief Marina. It is submitted to the court a medical certificate confirms this.
"Explain how you managed after the appearance of his son in 1985 to give birth to husband impotent three more children?" - Trying to catch on lies first lady representative of the prosecution. Answer Marina Poroshenko sounded proud, "Tse children of Ukraine!". Alexander Motsyk, Ukraine's Ambassador to the US president's wife met words with applause and singing of the hymn: "Has Not Yet Perished". What from the courtroom was immediately removed.
Press "independence" in the evaluation of the New York court battle unanimous: the charge of President of Ukraine in pedophilia - a provocation separatists Donetsk. Ukrainian "Channel 5" demonstrated the telephone conversation ("Made the SBU") Annie Lober Igor Strelkov. It advises the former prostitute "smear the pig (Poroshenko) on the court, so that from it there was only a ham."
The judgment, given the international repercussions, commented State Department spokesman Jen Psaki. At a press conference she called it a triumph of American justice. "The United States Government has never doubted the innocence of Peter Poroshenko," - said Psaki.

 A portion of the poison of skepticism in the "triumph of American justice", introduced by Matthew Lee of "Associated Press". He drew attention to mother Annie Lober Ukraine to testify against her daughter, for some reason, in the presence of Dmitry Yarosh. On the face of it, under the eye, meticulous journalist, in a video testimony, saw a bruise. Lee also expressed his incomprehension Title Mr. Yarosh Elena Mikhnenko mysterious to non-Ukrainians expression «staraja suka». "Excuse me, I might just be ignorant and trying to guess what it is?" - He asked the State Department spokesman.
"Honestly, I have heard, but not familiar with these terms. I'll check and find out that Mr. Yarosh meant by these terms, "- answered Jen Psaki.
Excessive curiosity in Poroshenko for journalists "The Associated Press" has not passed unnoticed. Two days after the press conference, he was beaten by unknown persons near his home. Although the attackers looked blacks, Matthew Lee is absolutely sure he heard right, when the appearance of the police one of the bullies are not called in English: "ticking boys!".

Saturday, August 1, 2015

How to cheat in sweepstakes, there and everywhere !?

Belgrade, July 30. The head of the National Lottery of Serbia has resigned after during the broadcast of the weekly games on a television display the number for a ball, has not fallen out of the drum. After nearly half a minute, took a leading this particular number.


This incident caused a wide public response and discussion in the media - not only in Serbia, but also in most of the Balkan countries. Prior to that, the Serbs were convinced that the lottery is no fraud and corruption - that meant a lot to most people in the country.
Police have questioned six people under investigation to be set - whether the winning combination is adjusted in advance.
The incident occurred on Thursday night, when the winning combination has appeared on the screen before the host of the show got all the balls of the lotto.
Lotteries are very popular in Serbia, especially among pensioners and the unemployed. Many of them feel that this is their last chance to improve the financial situation.
The incident stirred up the country so that even the Serbian Prime Minister Oleksandr Vuchik spoke at a press conference, said: "If, during the lottery of the crime was committed, those people will respond according to the law. To go to jail is a snap. "
The company organizing the lottery has tried to justify himself by saying that the reason for displaying the winning combination was a technical error the staff responsible for the schedule. However, the CEO has resigned.

Biological weapons US !

Author: Nicholas Yarёmenko

PRODUCTS "hybrid war".

Even during the "Cold War" in the United States had high hopes for a new type of biological weapon. This weapon was to be much more effective than fusion. Such tasks set before "egg heads" USA. This includes weapons (GMO) genetically oxide modified organisms ...

So today the main lobbyist GMO- colonization of Ukraine supports the American corporation "Monsanto" - the world leader in the production of genetically of modified plants and foods. Corporation "Monsanto has gained fame as a producer of" Agent Orange "- a mixture of herbicides and defoliant's pattern adopted by the US Army during the Vietnam War. (This is a product whose use is considered a war crime, provokes the development of cancer and destroys the immune system.) In the Ukraine, a former Komsomol landowners pimps and KGB idiots, called "Roundup" is used "AO" more than in Vietnam. On the cutting edge of human destruction of genetically modified soybeans came that terrible nuclear war.

So today, natural soy (corn, beets) in Poltava everywhere supplanted by malicious oxide modified varieties genetically. Their fruits, in their consequences differ little from weapons of mass destruction. And although they are slower than the radiation, however, contribute to, with the support of the authorities in Poltava Durkee and businessmen - villains, rapid extinction of the population of Ukraine.

We are offering excerpts from the article by Doctor of Biological Sciences IV Ermakova, answers the question:- To raise a man, soybean throw in the basket.- Soy - infertility and disruption of the brain.

- Soy - a way to sodomy and cancer.

- What a lot of added soy products.

 Soya - recently cultivated plant. If the culture of cultivation of cereals was associated with the invention of metal sickles and scythes, the massive cultivation of soy has been linked with a program of "green revolution" - or rather, to address the issue "food security" of the USA, in their favor. Until the 1970s, soybeans cultivated in China for insignificant areas manually. In search of a promising protein crops, cleaned and processed combines industrial way, the United States stopped soy. The US leadership, deciding after the Second World War, the question of taking possession of the world, condoned any experiments with genetically modified plants and herbicides.The idea was to put agricultural producers in the world dependent on American firms monopoly on the part of the breeding and the production of poisons. For example, the time of development of soybean new potato varieties tailored US firms thus being possible for the edible potato beetle. At the same time, the Colorado potato beetle dropped from aircraft and release of submarines in the Gulf, with the southerly wind, in order to spread in the countries of the Warsaw Pact. Soviet soldiers showed posters with the image of the striped beetle, and organized its mass raids along the coast in order to destroy "zhёstkokrylogo saboteur of Colorado." But all the same US firms earned and are still earning on the development and regular updating of lines of poisons against the Colorado potato beetle.

 So soy introduced in the industrial culture, immediately set the goal of cultivation of genetically modified food cheap, with the participation of powerful chemicals that destroy all competitors except for this plant soybeans, and a wide advertising sales as a "save humanity from hunger," "the unique culture of the protein meat substitute And so on. Instead of soy with the same success could be taken to cultivate wild mouse peas, common for Russian fields. Collect and sow peas and wild mouse pound machine for the harvest - the result of planting and harvesting without the use of pesticides is similar. But soybeans more suitable climate of India and Argentina - agricultural polygons such lobbied on the presidential level US companies as Monsanto. And soy has been genetically modified to resist the herbicide glyphosate, which is a commercial product known as Roundup. By the way, in the herbicide Roundup, which is advertised as "eco-friendly" include inert ingredients is much more toxic than the active ingredient glyphosate.Thus, soy - the culture is practically meaningless in vegetable crops, but is widely advertised, was doomed to become a major source of industrial food GMO (genetically modified products made from plants transplanted genes + herbicides that were sprayed during growth). No genetically modified soybeans is almost there. 98% of all soybeans grown - is GMO soybeans, which are sold to farmers as "Roundup-ready" for English Roundup Redi »(Roundup Ready), or abbreviated as RR.
 Now known gene modifications such as soy chocolate, which contains genes of cacao beans: seed a soybean oil may first be overcome, and turn it into margarine (which some of the molecules - left-handed, digestible), then spin (meal) mixed on the same margarine with added sugar, preservatives, flavorings - and "modern" chocolate ready. But the most widely used food for pets and people in an "artificial meat". The essence known for about 30 years, the industry is "prichёsyvanii" branched molecules of protein soybean meal, by forcing them under high pressure through mikroilery (cracks) in the metal. Structure, consistency, taste after this manipulation is really reminiscent of minced meat. But what about the biochemical composition?

To grow a man, soybean throw in the basket. Without exception, all soybean varieties, because of their species, contain flavonoids soy (isoflavones, in Vol. H. Diadzein) - plant analogs of female sex hormone estrogen, which in soybean 1000 times greater than in other plants. So whenever you eat soy (or industrial products from minced meat with the inevitable predominance in them of soy flour), you spend yourself (or your children) effective hormone therapy with all the ensuing negative consequences (including those leading to allergy and immunodeficiency obesity).

 Oh, and the facts of the risk of miscarriage in those mothers who consumed a significant amount of products made of natural soy or soy shallow processing, has long been established. Especially harmful soy consumption when there is a formation of the endocrine system - and it is during fetal development, and children up to 15-16 years.

Therefore, soybeans can only be regarded as a valuable technical, but not food culture. And for power among the people there are quite friendly legumes beans, peas, beans - eat for health, especially during winter. But why
food impostors, if want to sin, do not use other legumes - beans or the same bean, for example? And because soybeans - the only product that:1. Can absorb water several times more than it weighs itself.2. After the soybeans genetically modified, it is not any one eats pests in soybean fields and crops grow.But if soybeans regarded as a technical culture? Even if such commercial crops like soybeans look something useful, yet we should not forget that the spoon of tar spoils a barrel of honey. Fly in the ointment of GMO soybeans is the following:

 - Dangerous Roundup herbicide;- Bt-virus, changing the genetics of whom he falls in;- Reduction of biodiversity through pollination normal plant GMO , after which they eventually become either barren or same GMO , Roundup Ready weeds (as grow anywhere and does not have the necessary qualities of breeding);- Patenting and monopolization of GMO plants on the background of the normal destruction of vegetation, creation of artificial famine in the future.Infertility and disruption of brain

The set of properties of food, and even the kind of fodder, technical GMI made on the basis 
soy products with a high content of herbicides can be designated as "soy hormone."The negative effect of GMO soybeans due to the influence of even trace amounts of pesticides, to which GM line stable. In a recently published study (Benachour & Seralini, 2008) it was shown that the herbicide Roundup, which are stable most common GM-line, even in minimal amounts (0.000001%) leads to cell death of embryos, umbilical cord blood cells and human placenta, triggering apoptosis ( programmed cell death), resulting in infertility.Since soy - it is much hormonal plant generates plant hormones of the female type, eating soy men become impotent. Soybeans also suppresses the normal operation of the brain, resulting in eating soy are also "stupid incompetent."

 Which products are often added to soy. Soy is added to all hot dogs, sausages, dumplings (up to 80% of their mass), baby nutrition (70%), mayonnaise, chocolate, sometimes in the flour (the product of a long stale flour - a sign of the presence of these soybeans) and many more. Powdered and condensed milk - often hidden containers of soybean meal.